Though Boston is called "the walking city," it is not realistic not to use the public transportation. But the problem is, as is often the case with all over the world except Japan, it is not punctual at all. Sometimes a 10-minute-interval bus doesn't come for more than 20 minutes, and it finally appears, followed by a next bus in a row. You're joking!!! One day, it took me 1 hour and 40 minutes to go to Charles river side by bus, the next day, I got there in 45 minutes on foot...
Consequently, I reached to a conclusion. A bike is the best. So I went to several bike shops. And soon I realized a strange fact: there is no "mamma charis" at all!!! They are all MTBs and road bikes... At first I thought it was just a coincidence, but I could not find any mamma charis in the bike shops in Boston. In addition, MTBs and road bikes are very expensive: the cheapest one is $220, and the average is over $400... Well, I have to search used bikes on craigslist.
By the way, as I was astonished by the fact, are Americans astonished by these following facts?? In 2007 Japan, 70% of the bike sales was mamma chari, and MTB was just 5%.
Here is a typical mamma chari. I miss you so much!!!

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